Mid career nurses and midwives
As we gain more nurse and midwifery experience and confidence in our role, some of us are promoted to leadership and management positions. Sometimes that move is quicker than anticipated and often without the support to take on these extra roles and responsibilities.
With the rewards of our advancement come challenges that can risk leading to burnout and even leaving our professions.
Meeting expectations
If you are in a managerial role, balancing the expectations of executive management and the team you’re leading can be challenging and exhausting.
At this stage of our career we have the ability and opportunity to influence team culture and organisational practices. But often we face system barriers. Trying to lead healthy workplace cultures when met with resistance or bureaucracy can wear us down.
Challenges we face
In our mid-career many of us experience employer-related issues, career dissatisfaction, mental health and emotional issues and the impacts of workforce shortages. We know that nurse and midwife shortages lead to worsening working conditions resulting in burnout and frustration.
We may also face personal issues and life pressures can increase too. Many of us are juggling multiple roles caring for children and older family members.
Essential factors to keep nurses at work
A healthy work environment has been identified as the most important factor in nurses’ decision to stay in the profession and indeed for their own wellbeing.
Based on the McKinsey 2021 Future of Work in Nursing Survey, nurses have said they need:
- supportive and caring colleagues
- feeling valued and appreciated in the workplace
- a safe and manageable work environment, including balanced workloads
- engagement in meaningful work, operating within one's scope of practice
- flexibility to maintain a healthy work-life balance
Think about what you want and need
If you’re feeling stressed, tired, apathetic in your work, it could be signs of burnout, or it also might be you need to take a career and/or workplace inventory. Take stock of where you are and whether your workplace is providing what you need, including a healthy culture and professional development opportunities for growth.
Tired? Stressed?
No longer coping with your workload? Talk to us about your next step.
A mid-career nurse or midwife
Has 5-7+ years post-registration clinical experience.
Source: McKinsey 2021 Future of Work in Nursing Survey
Find your place. If you don’t like what you’re doing, there are so many other areas of nursing you can try. If you’re stuck and can’t see the future – reach out and work through the process with us to help you find hope and opportunity.Mark Aitken, Deputy Director Nurse Midwife HPA
- COVID-19 pandemic one year on: ICN warns of exodus of experienced nurses compounding current shortages, 2021, International Council of Nurses
- Should I stay, or should I go? Australia’s nurse retention dilemma, 2021, McKinsey and Company
- Topics
- Career stage