A pathway to a healthier you

Get in touch

If you want to yarn to another nurse or midwife about any issue you’re experiencing at work or home.

Terms of use

When you visit our websites, you agree to our terms of use. We will update these terms as needed. 

Intellectual property and copyright 

Unless otherwise stated, the Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia (Nurse Midwife HPA) owns or is licensed to use the intellectual property, including copyright, of all content on the Nurse Midwife HPA website – www.nursemidwifehpa.org.au  

Use of our content 

You may view and print pages from our website for your own use, subject to the restrictions below. 

You are not permitted to: 

  • Commercialise Nurse Midwife HPA content. This includes providing training or consulting services to third parties for a fee. 
  • Republish material from the Nurse Midwife HPA website in any format (please only link back to our website). 
  • Redistribute material from this website (other than content made available specifically for re-use, such as our downloadable posters). 
  • Edit or modify any material on the website. 
  • Record our training sessions in any format. 

To use our content, you need to get our approval first. Contact us 

Collection and use of personal information 

Nurse Midwife HPA is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors. 

Read our website privacy policy 

Governing law 

The use of the Nurse Midwife HPA website is governed by Australian laws.  

 If you have any questions about these terms of use, please contact us. 

Do you want to use our content?

To use our content, you need to get our approval first. 

 Contact us or email info@nursemidwifehpa.org.au