A pathway to a healthier you

Injury and work cover

The nature of our work can put us at risk of sustaining musculoskeletal disorders. We can be injured at work from a fall, or as a result of occupational violence.

Any workplace injury can have serious and lasting consequences on the emotional wellbeing of nurses and midwives, and their families. We may feel anxious, afraid, sad or angry. This can impact our personal relationships and we might withdraw or become isolated.

Other symptoms may include loss of self-esteem, lack of confidence in our abilities and a fear of re-injury in returning to work. More serious repercussions may include depression or PTSD. 

Get the right support

It’s important to get independent and professional help if you’ve been injured at work, but it can be difficult to know who to turn to. The support you need may include workers’ compensation payments, rehabilitation services, and appropriate return-to-work arrangements. 

Being injured at work can mean lost wages, medical expenses, or compensation delays. These financial challenges can cause feelings of insecurity, helplessness and/or frustration.  

Report your injury immediately

If you are injured at work, report it immediately. If you’re a member of the union, contact your state or territory branch. Consult with your workplace and with your state’s worker compensation model as soon as possible.  

The benefit of getting legal advice includes that you are well-represented, any time-sensitive evidence is managed and you are empowered with information.  

Reduce your risk 

You can reduce your risk of injury at work with regular physical activity and strengthening exercises, getting enough sleep, eating well and drinking enough water and taking your breaks.  

Gentle stretching before, during and after shifts helps to loosen tight muscles and can help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Listening to your body’s limits, using manual handling aids at work, and being aware of your facility’s policies and procedures that support you will help prevent some injuries. 

Any occupational-related incident of violence is more complex and most often associated with psychological injury. 


Mental injury claims are on the rise – they now represent 16% of new claims. 

For midwives in Australia, neck and upper back injuries are common, with 25% of midwives reporting upper back injuries and 41% reporting neck injuries.

Among nurses, body-stressing injuries accounted for 46.4% of all claims. 

These types of injuries include: 

  • muscular stress, such as from lifting, carrying, and pulling
  • falls 
  • being physically assaulted

Been injured at work?

Talk to us if you’re feeling the emotional impact of an incident or injury at work

What to do immediately if you suffer an injury at work

  • Consult your GP or attend a hospital if the injury is serious. Be sure to tell your doctor how you suffered the injury 
  • Report the injury to your employer and fill out an incident report  
  • Injuries must be reported within 30 days 
  • Take note of any witnesses to the incident that caused the injury 

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