A pathway to a healthier you

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Peer support service explained

We are a peer support and specialist counselling service for nurses, midwives and our students. We are here to help you to understand your health or wellbeing issue. And to work with you to plot a path to better health. 

Our Australia-wide service has been designed by nurses, midwives and our students. It is delivered by nurses and midwives. It is confidential and free. Our service is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

Health issues we tackle 

Burn out, mental illness, addiction, occupational harassment and violence. We are here to help with the big challenges to our health and wellbeing. Other health symptoms are harder to recognise. If you find yourself feeling despondent, overwhelmed, anxious, rudderless, cranky, volatile and reactive, we can help.  

Our clinicians – who delivers your care 

We are all nurses and midwives who have been specifically trained to support you. You won’t need to explain the unique challenges of the profession and our workplaces; we get it.  

Process – what to expect  

Everyone will have a different need and experience of our service. We talk to you about your experiences and how you feel to help you to get to the bottom of your health issue. Together we set goals and work out steps towards improving your health. You choose the direction and pace of your plan, and we are alongside you. 

When you contact us requesting an appointment, we allocate a nurse or midwife counsellor. They sit with you in a confidential 1:1 session to learn about your needs. They hear your story without judgment and help you to unravel the complexity of your health concern. 

We provide unlimited sessions (although the average is 6-8 sessions). 

You can expect: 

  • safe, confidential, free service 
  • continuous care (no time limits) 
  • listening from experience 
  • goal setting and check-ins 
  • co-designing of your path to better health 

What we don’t offer: 

  • maximum number of sessions 
  • allotted times 
  • revolving door of case workers 
  • brief, band-aid interventions 
  • one-size-fits-all solutions 

How to contact us.

To find out more, or to book an appointment with one of our nurse, midwife counsellors you can: