A pathway to a healthier you

We can help

Find out what our service can do for you, your peers, or your workplace.

Your rights and responsibilities

Participating in our peer support service 

Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia (Nurse Midwife HPA) is committed to providing a high-quality service to participating nurses, midwives and students (‘participants’). 

We support your rights as a participant and will do our best to ensure that you understand them and your responsibilities and are supported in exercising them. As a participant we encourage you to be responsible for your health, your behaviour and the interactions you have with our program. 

The program provides confidential, person-centred, nurse or midwife led peer support and counselling.

Our commitment to participants' rights 

We will: 

  • affirm, value and preserve the human rights, dignity, diversity and identity of individuals, families, and cultures within our professions 
  • recognise participants’ right to self-determination 
  • treat all participants with respect and dignity
  • welcome everyone (regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, ability, culture, language, gender identity or sexual orientation)
  •  deliver services in a safe environment free from discrimination, abuse and neglect 

Our program will:

  • inform participants of their rights and responsibilities 
  • involve participants in decision-making, including upholding dignity of risk 
  • allow participants to express their views 
  • welcome all feedback, suggestions or complaints 
  • consult with participants about services and changes that impact them 
  • help participants to understand their responsibilities as a service user
  • recognise the lived experiences of participants

Rights of participants

How we will treat participants and what they can expect from our program. As a participant, you can expect us to:

  • provide a safe environment 
  • deliver services in a fair, honest, respectful and non‐judgemental manner
  • inform you of your service options, how to give consent, offer feedback or make a complaint
  • protect your privacy and confidentiality

Safe environment

This means we will: 

  • deliver practices in a way that safeguards our health and wellbeing 
  • ensure our buildings and equipment are used and maintained in a safe way 
  • employ staff with the right skills and competencies
  • have systems in place to check if the right people are working alongside our participants 

Fair, honest, respectful and non‐judgemental treatment

This means we will: 

  • do our best to provide services that are transparent and open 
  • treat everyone respectfully and with dignity and consideration at all times 
  • be mindful of discrimination and judgment, and have a zero-tolerance stance to any behaviours or actions that enable these 
  • welcome and understand diverse needs 

Adequate, accessible information

This means we will: 

  • involve and inform participants
  • give participants the information they need (including support options and any costs)
  • provide information in accessible language and formats 
  • get their consent about things we do on their behalf 
  • tell participants about our feedback, complaints and compliments, processes

Personal information, private and confidential

This means we will: 

  • ensure that personal, health and sensitive information of our participants is kept private and confidential (within the limits of the law)
  • implement compliant processes and secure systems
  • make staff aware of their obligations 
  • give participants access to their information 
  • allow participants to correct their details (if inaccurate)
  • get informed consent before using and/or sharing a participant's information (within the limits of the law) 

Responsibilities of participants

These statements also set out participant responsibilities and what is expected of them. 

So we can provide safe and quality services, all participants using our programs have a responsibility to: 

  • act respectfully towards all other people using Nurse Midwife HPA services and towards our staff 
  • look after our property and assets – tell us if something is damaged so we can ensure the safety of others and organise repairs
  • provide us with complete and accurate information about themselves and their situation as relevant to the services they use – so we can provide the best possible support
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of other participants