A pathway to a healthier you

Stressed and stretched?

Can't stop but struggle to keep going? Talk to us about avoiding burnout.

High performance nursing podcast with Mark Aitken

Mark talked about the importance of Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia. He shared his experience of burnout and his mission to eradicate it from our professions. Mark aims to empower all nurses, midwives and students with the important message that “it’s ok to look after you”. 

Listen to Mark talk about his North Star and his inspiring nursing journey – High Performance Nursing podcast - Episode 182: Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia with Mark Aitken.

Burn out – recognising the signs

Exhausted? Feeling negative? Finding it hard to keep going?  You could be heading for burnout. Talk to us about your symptoms and strategies to maintain your wellbeing

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The High Performance Nursing podcast aims to bust nursing career myths while showing you what’s possible in your nursing life and career.