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Supporting Australia's nurses and midwives through burnout and exhaustion

The Australian Government has invested $25.2 million to establish and run the National Nurse and Midwife Health Service to provide peer-to-peer support and referrals. 

This new national support service will help Australia’s nurses and midwives, including students, to better manage their health and wellbeing with counselling and support services. This support aims to reduce increasing rates of fatigue, stress and burnout which we know have escalated since the start of the pandemic.

It will provide a welcoming, stigma-free entry point for nurses and midwives with a range of health issues, from stress management to quick assessment and referral to respond to mental health issues requiring additional services. 

The health service will employ registered nurses, enrolled nurses, nurse practitioners and midwives to offer free, confidential and independent advice, support, information, treatment and specialist referrals. 

Read the media release go to Assistant Minister Kearney: Supporting Australia's nurses and midwives through burnout and exhaustion.